System scaffolding offered

Due to the variety of scaffolding systems we are happy to provide you with information about some commonly used materials. In addition to the traditional scaffolding materials, preference is often given to system scaffolding. With such systems you can save time and money. Not every system scaffold is equally suitable for all works, so it is wise to seek advice in advance.

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Layher Blitz

The blitz scaffolding is a scaffolding system supplied by layher. This scaffolding falls under the frame scaffolding category. Characteristic of these scaffolds is that they can be (dis) assembled at a high speed. This can save you considerably in costs. The frame scaffolding is 70 cm wide. By using consoles and a grid on the inside, the scaffold builder can widen the work floor to /- 1 meter. The maximum load on the floors is lower than that of a normal scaffold. Frame scaffolding is not suitable for heavy work.

All-round scaffolding

Layher Allround

The most commonly used scaffolding system is the all-round scaffolding. This system is robust and suitable for heavy work. The rosette contains eight connections so that almost any angle can be built. The all-round scaffolding is almost as flexible as traditional scaffolding systems and can be widely used. The system is used for all kinds of scaffolding. Layher all-round is also often used in the construction of supports, podiums, mobile scaffolding and stairwells. There are no loose pipes protruding from the scaffolding, which contributes to a safe workplace. In addition, the scaffolding is compact and takes up less space. The system is quick to use and contains few loose parts that can be lost.





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